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Doom - The Atari Times


This is one game that really makes a splash
by Gregory D. George

September 23, 2002
Doom. One word that strikes fear in some and enjoyment in others. The Jaguar was the first system I ever played this game on, and it truly was a turning point in the history of gaming.

Everyone knows Doom. Oh? You've never heard of it? Ok. Here's a synopsis: Run around in a pseudo-3D environment shooting monsters for fun! It's as simple as that.

The graphics in Doom are nothing short of phenomenal. The walls, ceiling, and floor are all texture mapped. There are "see-through" textures, fireballs that shoot down at you, and a plethora of monsters that attack you. True, the graphics look very dated by today's standards, but that is typical of all games. The true test of a great game is if the gameplay can withstand the test of time. And there is nothing quite so satisfying a spilling a little demon blood now and then. Even today, however, I think the graphics are wonderful and convey exactly what the designers were looking to do.

Animation of the creatures, however, is one aspect of Doom that has been lacking in virtually all versions of the game. There seems to be only maybe 16 frames of animation for any one character. This includes seeing it from the sides and from the back.

Rating the music in Jaguar Doom is very easy because there is none! I suspect the reason it was omitted was to make room for more monsters or levels. In truth, which would you choose?

The sound effects are wonderful, however, and I especially enjoy the monster's groans as you blast them with your rifle. (Some of the sounds were actually someone's stomach growling.)

The control is smooth and tight. This game is also much faster than AvP, which many complained was too slow. In Doom, you zip around at a road runner's pace. It can sometimes be too fast if you run!

Jaguar Doom is one of the few games that supports networking. You can battle it out with a friend or take on the monsters together. The only problem is that the Jaguar itself has several bugs in it which make network games crash on occasion. The only thing you can do is restart the game. Bummer!

The only things missing from the Jaguar version of Doom are a few of the monsters (the spider-demon is the only one I know of for sure), the music, and a level or two. Otherwise, Jaguar Doomis an incredible accomplishment because it mimics the PC game so very closely. Certainly, adding another 4 megabits might have made it a perfect PC clone.

This version of Doom compares favorably to other console versions. Not the best, but certainly not the worst.

Want proof of magazine bias against the Jaguar? Find the Jan. 95 issue of EGM where they rate both the Jaguar and Sega 32X versions of Doom. Which one do you suppose got a higher rating? The Jaguar version is full screen, has multiple views of the monsters, has more levels, includes networking support, has a better resolution, has more sound effects, and was even programmed by John Carmac himself! Yet, the 32X version gets an average rating of 8.4 while the Jaguar version rates as a 6.75! Now, if that isn't bias against the Jaguar, I don't know what is. (For a more in-depth comparison, check out the EGM Reviews Doom article.)

Doom is one of the landmark games of all time. Get it. Play it. Love it. Worship it.

This background is too light for such a dark game...
All the good stuff is dumped right in the middle of the slime!
Take it on the chin, you stupid pink demon!
Um... Run. RUN!!!
System: Jaguar
Publisher: Atari
Genre: Action
Graphics Score: 90%
Sound & Music Score: 75%
Gameplay Score: 80%
Control Score: 85%

Final Score: 90%

Reader Comments for Doom

on Jaguar by John Carmac on 2002-09-23 12:00:00
The memory, bus, blitter and video processor were 64 bits wide, but the processors (68k and two custom risc processors) were 32 bit.

The little risc engines were decent processors. They had some design hazards that didn't get fixed, but the only thing truly wrong with them was that they had scratchpad memory instead of caches, and couldn't execute code from main memory. I had to chunk the DOOM renderer into nine sequentially loaded overlays to get it working (with hindsight, I would have done it differently in about three...).

If the Jaguar had dumped the 68k and offered a dynamic cache on the risc processors and had a tiny bit of buffering on the blitter, it could have put up a reasonable fight against Sony.
The (lack of) music by João on 2006-12-28 14:50:56
I don't think this game doesn't have music due to make room for the sprites of monsters and stuff in a matter of SPACE, because there is music BETWEEN the stages... I mean they are in the ROM anyway... Maybe the processor power was not enough to run all the game in full screen wih 65.000+ colors, lighiting effects, various sprites for each monster AND the music at the same time...
A Rekindle of a Distant PC Game Memory... by Guitarman on 2007-06-26 20:49:14
The Jaguar version of Doom has me remembering the days when Doom first came out on the PC. To my memory Jag Doom is like going back in time and experiencing the epic game all over again minus the in-game music. I don't really remember the music from the original anyways so it's all good.
What can I say, the animation is very fluid, the sound effects are crisp and the networking ability for Deathmatches are all aspects which make the Jag version of Doom an incarnation of pure evil and bliss!
A note for Mr. Carmac by NightSprinter on 2007-07-23 17:26:26
Someone is actually working on creating a more feature-rich development kit for the Jaguar at the moment. I think he may make it available when finished, so if that is true would you consider trying the kit out and possibly making an "Ultimate DOOM: Anniversary Edition" cartridge?
One of the best Jaguar games by Randy Johnson on 2014-07-22 20:47:21
This was one of the best Jaguar games. It has about 23 or 24 levels unlike the Sega 32X version which only has 16 or 17 levels.
The only thing that sucks about this version of Doom is that it has no music. But that doesn't hurt it or at least that's my opinion.
I like this version much better than Doom for the Super Nintendo and I like it better than the 32X version also.
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